Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Detour.... "The road to success is always under construction"

Hello, everyone! 
For starters, I am sorry I have not written in a few days. It has been quite a week! 
Life is one big tight rope! (oppositional pull + time management=balance) Still trying to balance the tight rope that I call life...
So, in a nut shell, here was my week:
Monday: cravings, cravings, and more cravings, really hungry, but enthusiastic!
Tuesday: HARD! TIRED! WANTED TO CRAWL INTO BED AND HIDE BUT HAD TO WORK... THEN I GOT INJURED! I hurt my back teaching cycling and could not move when I got off the bike. I, actually, had to be carried out of Red’s in a wheelchair down two flights of stairs by four strapping Hercules type guys :) (that was kinda fun...very dramatic though). When I finally got home that night I ate a salad of raw veggies because I had to take medicine for my back. The salad was delicious but full of guilt. I mean, after all, it was only the second day of our juicing and I was already making alterations to the plan :( Such is life, though. We must adjust as life is not in our control.
Wednesday: I slept most of the day. I REALLY WANTED COFFEE & KING CAKE,      I day dreamed about being a house wife and a stay at home mom (shh, dont tell anyone), I watched about 30 minutes of television (I, honestly, can not remember the last time I just sat and watched television), and then I went to see Dr. Jason Abshire, my chiropractor. (Jason, by the way, is a miracle worker.  He is a healer in so many ways! I highly recommend him.) Anyway, according to Dr Abshire, I am “overtrained” which caused my Piriformis to lock up and because it would not release, it was putting pressure on my sciatic nerve (AKA Piriformis Syndrome) Ouch! So, stretching and continuous movement was the doctors orders. Keep moving, you say? Done, that, Doc,  I can do! It is the “Im sorry but you cant work, run, race, or teach” that would paralyze (no pun intended) me. 
Thursday: very light work day, less cravings, all in all a much better day (may have been the meds though :) No work out (obviously)
Friday: another light work day, less cravings, then dinner prep for our long run the next morning, no workout 
Sat: Early morning twenty mile run... Must take it “easy” since I've eaten only raw fruits and vegetables for five days and injured myself four days prior.  So, I made it seventeen miles and then my body decided it had enough so I listened and stopped.  It was a wonderful run.  Jonathan dominated the full twenty miles! He finished strong for both of us. I just hope that I can keep up with him the day of the race!

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