Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pictures from the week :)

A slight detour....

So, there I was day 2, fighting every urge to pick up some sort of food...any thing really... I had a long day at work (5:30am-6:30pm with a two hour break at lunch time).  Jonathan and I ran to Fresh Market on my break to grab more fruits and went to his house to juice lunch and dinner.  I was super tired and, honestly, feeling a little defeated.  The middle of the day seems to be hardest for me.  All I wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep. I went back to work anyway (of course, because that is what we do).  I finished my afternoon of private Pilates sessions and then got ready to teach Medicine Ball and Cycling.  Med Ball went well so I grabbed my water bottle and cycling shoes and proceeded to teach cycling class. The class was full of eager to succeed Red's members and we were pedaling along, then it happened... Something that I can only explain to be a huge cramp in my back.  A shooting pain so intense that it literally took my breath away. I kept going. What?!?! Do you really think I could stop? Im the stinkin' teacher! Now, I know better... I do. I know that if you're injured you need to stop. I am fully aware of the difference between being injured and just needing to stretch or fight through. I fought the idea the entire class (which was probably another 30 mins or so)... I just kept thinking what if its just a little cramp and I stop the class for nothing! I just can't do that. So, against my better judgement, I kept going. Boy, did I regret that immediately when I got off the bike.  I couldn't move. One of my friends, Serena, was luckily taking the class and noticed my discomfort.  She helped me get to the sound room and lie on the floor... All I kept thinking was I have to teach Pilates Bootcamp in a few minutes. So, pathetically, I make my way over to the Pilates Equipment room. By the time I reached the door, I couldn't walk and could barely stand up.  An entire Red's crew (even Red himself!) came rolling in with medic bags and everything! Nothing would relax it or make it feel any better.  The pain just continued to increase.  We all agreed that the cold plunge pool would be beneficial except it was aaallllll the way downstairs! It felt as though it was a marathon away! So, very dramatically four s†rapping, hercules type men carried me in a wheelchair down the two flights of stairs and into the freezing plunge pool. Between you and I, that was kinda fun :) Anyway, as anyone who's been in a cold plunge pool knows, its quite miserable for the first two or three minutes. I was in so much pain that they had to lower me into the pool and so they did...very quickly and all the way up to my chest! AHHHHH!!!!!! It was freezing! Anyone who's been inside a cold plunge knows how miserable it is for the first few minutes, anything after your body goes numb.  After fifteen minutes of the cold plunge, I was brought home bundled up with blankets, pillows and medication. Surprisingly, I was able to sleep.  I was so tired, I didn't move all night. Needless to say, it was a very dramatic, draining, detoxing day...Not my best day ever...

Detour.... "The road to success is always under construction"

Hello, everyone! 
For starters, I am sorry I have not written in a few days. It has been quite a week! 
Life is one big tight rope! (oppositional pull + time management=balance) Still trying to balance the tight rope that I call life...
So, in a nut shell, here was my week:
Monday: cravings, cravings, and more cravings, really hungry, but enthusiastic!
Tuesday: HARD! TIRED! WANTED TO CRAWL INTO BED AND HIDE BUT HAD TO WORK... THEN I GOT INJURED! I hurt my back teaching cycling and could not move when I got off the bike. I, actually, had to be carried out of Red’s in a wheelchair down two flights of stairs by four strapping Hercules type guys :) (that was kinda fun...very dramatic though). When I finally got home that night I ate a salad of raw veggies because I had to take medicine for my back. The salad was delicious but full of guilt. I mean, after all, it was only the second day of our juicing and I was already making alterations to the plan :( Such is life, though. We must adjust as life is not in our control.
Wednesday: I slept most of the day. I REALLY WANTED COFFEE & KING CAKE,      I day dreamed about being a house wife and a stay at home mom (shh, dont tell anyone), I watched about 30 minutes of television (I, honestly, can not remember the last time I just sat and watched television), and then I went to see Dr. Jason Abshire, my chiropractor. (Jason, by the way, is a miracle worker.  He is a healer in so many ways! I highly recommend him.) Anyway, according to Dr Abshire, I am “overtrained” which caused my Piriformis to lock up and because it would not release, it was putting pressure on my sciatic nerve (AKA Piriformis Syndrome) Ouch! So, stretching and continuous movement was the doctors orders. Keep moving, you say? Done, that, Doc,  I can do! It is the “Im sorry but you cant work, run, race, or teach” that would paralyze (no pun intended) me. 
Thursday: very light work day, less cravings, all in all a much better day (may have been the meds though :) No work out (obviously)
Friday: another light work day, less cravings, then dinner prep for our long run the next morning, no workout 
Sat: Early morning twenty mile run... Must take it “easy” since I've eaten only raw fruits and vegetables for five days and injured myself four days prior.  So, I made it seventeen miles and then my body decided it had enough so I listened and stopped.  It was a wonderful run.  Jonathan dominated the full twenty miles! He finished strong for both of us. I just hope that I can keep up with him the day of the race!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Lunch time Laziness..uh oh spaghettio! wait...I mean no spaghetti... :)

Day 1:
So, its 12:50 and I've got a little break at work....Normally, I would take Zumba or Med Ball/cycle (assuming Im not teaching them) here at Red's, grab something to eat and a coffee. (I would have also eaten twice already by this time on any other day). Today, I am doing none of those things and instead sitting here writing to you because that is ALL I can think about (well, that and food)! lol. Im stinkin hungry and Im not even about to lie about it.

All things considered, I've had a pretty stand up morning. Woke up a bit late (I'm assuming that is because I had a glorious weekend in Houston and then stayed up all night creating this blog and studying the fine art of juicing), taught Pilates for Moms and three private sessions. Now its lunch time and I am starting to feel a little less than energetic and more nauseated :/  Wishing I was in Kindergarten and could snuggle up on a colorful mat... :)

Took some pics today too but will share them with you when I get home tonight.

Have a great day, everyone!




Sunday, January 22, 2012

How delicious is that!

Now thats what a fridge should look like!!!

The Last Supper

Now thats whats up...

Note to self...Check "Start A Blog" off my bucket list!

Hi Everyone! 

I hope this post finds you well.  Let me begin by telling you how long I have waited for this very moment! For years, I have wanted to start a blog but it was just never the right time, the right subject, or well, the right anything. So finally, the time has come! Here we are and here we goooo... My name is Georgia (later, I will fully introduce myself) and I am truly giddy about what is about to go down! 

My blogging buddy, Jonathan and I are about to embark on a very unfamiliar and exciting adventure. For ten days, he and I are going to eat ONLY fruits and vegetables.  Considering the amount of fruits and veggies that we would have to intake in one sitting is FAR more than one could imagine, we are going to juice every single last ounce that we will digest in those ten days... and its going to be WONDERFUL! Well, actually, its going to be really hard, really difficult, and really challenging but we are convinced it will be worth it in the end. (I can actually hear your thoughts right now...shhh, hear me out about this whole juicing thing before you give me your opinion!) 

We hope you will follow us along our journey! Along the way, we will fill you in on our story, our motives (and no, its not to starve ourselves and drop a dress size), our triumphs and tribulations, our inspirations and ambitions, and anything else you may want to know. One thing is for sure, we've got a lot to share and even more to learn. We are "hungry" for experience and are super stoked that you are coming with us while we find it :) 

The best is yet to be...
